Cashel's Castle family

Nicole with Haily

Fritz with Angel

All our life we live with dogs and cats.

Since 17 years our hearts are beating for Irish Wolfhounds.

The Irish Wolfhound is a very gentle giant, we love this breed!

All our Irish Wolfhounds live with us in the house, in the garden.

They run the hills and in the forest with us.

Our dogs must be able to live a normal, active, vigorous life and stay sound to fit our ideal for this breed.

One of our most important goals is to keep this an ongoing family of dogs, not just focusing on one important stud dogs or one good-producing bitch.

Too much emphasis on one individual animal has been the downfall of many breeding programs through the years. We are always looking two or three generations ahead to make sure this family stays viable.

We are breeding precious Irish Wolfhounds with love!